RWC 2003

Our Blood Is Green! (with envy for the Pommies and their Jonny!)

18 Nov - AAAAAH! It makes me cringe! An Aussie-Pommie final! As a die-hard SA fan, I'm torn! With mutual dislike for both sides, who do I support? I HAVE to support someone. Otherwise, it's just not rugby! It's like watching with no beer! And you know how ridiculous that is!!! So, where do I lay my allegance? We hate the Aussies and their smug "We're the best in the world" attitude, but the Poms aren't much better! Also, there is something to be said for keeping the cup down south! But, it'll be the sheep-shagging Aussies bringing it down. Decisions, decisions...

Supporters Poll Results
With an overwhelming 56%, the Poms were the South African Supporters team of choice. Andre and the Aussies shared 22% of support each.

Swiiing looow, sweeeet chaaaaarioooot!
Yes, they came, they saw, and Jonny conquered! The cup is headed North for the first time in World Cup history! To give them credit, the two best sides in the world gave us a splendid game! Wilkinson's dying moment drop was reminiscent of 95, sealing a well-earned victory! So, it's off to France in 2007. Let's hope the Boks can regroup and produce something special there. Then again, the Cocks pulled a home cup victory in the soccer, so France champs in 2007? You never know!

Parting Shot
I must close by airing this gripe I have about the national anthems. Firstly, it was nice to see that the South African singers found out that their hearts are on the left. They looked like real doos-bags clutching their breasts with their left hands! And this after years of the struggle with the Black Power salute preluding calls of "Amandla!"

The Aussie anthem has always annoyed me (Advance Australia FAIR? Who are they kidding?), but the English anthem has to take the prize for most ridiculous! You know it - God Save the Queen! Think about it - God Save the Queen!!! WHY??? Is the old bag drowning? Has she fallen and can't get up? Why does she need to be saved? Nkosi Sikileli Afrika I understand. With leaders like Mbheki and Mugabe, Africa needs all the help she can get! But the Queen? And have you noticed her when the anthem is sung? I can imagine the sheer terror running through her mind, with all these people pleading with God to save her, she must be expecting a meteor to appear and fly directly at her!

But all in all, it was a fantastic competition. Those Aussies sure know how to put on a show! Good on yer mate!

Rugby World Cup 2003